In the fast-paced advertising world, businesses often find themselves caught in a race to the bottom regarding media costs. The allure of cheaper media partners and less expensive ad impressions can be tempting, especially when budgets are tight. However, this approach can be a double-edged sword. While it may reduce immediate expenses, the long-term impact on brand credibility, engagement, and overall business success can be detrimental. Instead of racing to the bottom, businesses should be racing to the top of media quality.

The Downgradeability of Media Quality

Media quality is inherently downgradeable. In pursuing cost savings, it’s easy to opt for lower-cost media partners who offer cheaper ad impressions. On the surface, this might seem like a wise financial decision — after all, reducing costs can free up resources for other business areas. However, the reality is that these savings often come at the expense of media effectiveness. Lower-cost media typically means lower-quality placements, reducing visibility, engagement, and impact.